Importimport{ Splitter }from"antd"; |
Sourcecomponents/splitter |
Versionsupported since 5.21.0 |
Importimport{ Splitter }from"antd"; |
Sourcecomponents/splitter |
Versionsupported since 5.21.0 |
Can be used to separate areas horizontally or vertically. When you need to freely drag and adjust the size of each area. When you need to specify the maximum and minimum width and height of an area.
Common props ref:Common props
The Splitter component needs to calculate the panel size through its child elements, so its child elements only support
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
layout | Layout direction | horizontal | vertical | horizontal | - |
onResizeStart | Callback before dragging starts | (sizes: number[]) => void | - | - |
onResize | Panel size change callback | (sizes: number[]) => void | - | - |
onResizeEnd | Drag end callback | (sizes: number[]) => void | - | - |
lazy | Lazy mode | boolean | false | 5.23.0 |
collapsibleIcon | custom collapsible icon | {start: ReactNode; end: ReactNode} | - | 6.0.0 |
draggerIcon | custom dragger icon | ReactNode | - | 6.0.0 |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
defaultSize | Initial panel size support number for px or 'percent%' usage | number | string | - | - |
min | Minimum threshold support number for px or 'percent%' usage | number | string | - | - |
max | Maximum threshold support number for px or 'percent%' usage | number | string | - | - |
size | Controlled panel size support number for px or 'percent%' usage | number | string | - | - |
collapsible | Quick folding | boolean | { start?: boolean; end?: boolean } | false | - |
resizable | Whether to enable drag and drop | boolean | true | - |
Token Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
splitBarDraggableSize | Drag and drop the identity element size | number | 20 |
splitBarSize | Drag the element display size | number | 2 |
splitTriggerSize | Drag and drop trigger area size | number | 6 |